SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Why is Pug obsessed with phalluses

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@Pug Are u gonna answer my question about Revenant notif on plunder

yup. it notifies

I thought liking your post was enough to say yes

I still prefer we hang Memesky

Pardon him then

but yeah it notifies because it would just out the revenant bond if not

We willingly hang our prince

Current Vote:

Vote Voters Votes/Majority
Execute 0/6
Abstain 0
Pardon Marl 1/6

Abstain shouldnā€™t have a limit

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Also I canā€™t fucking wait until everyone submits their action in other games :thinking:

Abstains shouldnā€™t also be a category

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You want to pardon this btw Maximus
If this gets exed and the prince lives tonight, YOU get exed by the prince

That is so stupid that it starts looking like there is still cult alive and they want to hang stuff randomly for fun.

Hey @MaximusPrime itā€™s okay. I just find this game extreamly unamusing when revenant is just sitting quiet and doing nothing.

Itā€™s like series of coinflips.

If he at least talked, we would be able to get anything.


The game is literally rng right now
Revenant is such a trash class


Also - if there were cult left theyā€™d have killed last night

Do me a favor and just hang me if youā€™re unwilling to hang the prince :thinking:

I agree not gonna lie.

May I say something else.

I honestly want to host another Xed game with balance changes sooner rather than later because of how shitty this one has gone