SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

@PoisonedSquid @Marluxion vote the scum bag please

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lol please donā€™t screw over alch for no reason
i am not in eevee.

I canā€™t trust your word tbh. It means nothing in this scenario.

except for the fact that Iā€™m not going to screw over neut by jumping to him

But how would you know Eevee was alchemist?

Or you are trying to reverse psychology us

if you guys lynch yourselves i canā€™t be bothered, but donā€™t screw over the neut because you canā€™t find the nk

and you do seriously think Iā€™m still on my og bond?

Tbh, I wasnā€™t here but it would be a very good play if you said I wouldnā€™t be on the alch and then you were on the alch. We just got to dot our iā€™s and cross our tā€™s

if you still think iā€™m on my orginal bond you literally cannot win this game.

Iā€™m pretty sure the bond is not Eevee

Maybe we should reconsider. I think Whamm is on burrito or Marl.

But Eevee will yolobomb someone tonight

Last nightā€™s bomb was the second one

He used his bombs to kill PKR and Celeste, he canā€™t kill again

this game is so tedious and you all literally cannot win lol
please vote for revvy win or give eevee control

Literally what I am worried about

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/vote Nuclearburrito

Whamm would think we would vote Marl so I think he went to burrito

what a fun game

@PoisonedSquid vote burrito