SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Too lazy.

/Re execute plan for execution

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on your ambitions

Butlers donā€™t even heal it was obviously a joke smh frostwolf

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/execute if tech has already provided a defense

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I already know, do you not read it?

He hasnā€™t

Who claimed Mercenary?! I must of been asleep when that happened!



What itā€™s been like 5 hours

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Well then you shouldā€™ve actually read the posts and not just jump in acting like you know everythingā€¦

Tech hasnā€™t provided a defense yet so you still have a lot of time

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Okay, geez, you donā€™t have to rude about it

Look, itā€™s the morning, Iā€™m still tired, and Iā€™m pissed that we executed Liviphoma in Hydra ok

But honestly, you still shouldā€™ve read the posts, thatā€™s your own fault.

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Itā€™s okay calm down :wink:

And Iā€™m salty that I woke up to being executed in the Fol tournament despite some people pardoning me, but I donā€™t have my undies in a twist

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Guys calm down

At the end of the day itā€™s still a game

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Please do not bring your salt here.

It ruins the spirit of the game: fun.

What is the purpose of the game if it is not fun anymore?


Alright, just to save some time for people, Polik is the Merc

Ezy win if contracted to me.

Two people lied at least, wouldnā€™t be simple to say Polik is scum that protects his leader?

What am I missing about Polik?