SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Vote Count

Execute | |I Strangle, Marl, PoisonedSquid, Parfait, Celeste, Firekitten, Maximus, Nuke burit (8)

Abstain || |_ no :b: ody

Pardon: Tech has no friends so nobody


Can tech hammer himself?

Isn’t 8 majority

It should be

Btw the captian let me on i told him it was fruit punch

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Wait how do i have no friends lol

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@Pug 8/15 is majority. You can even lower it to 8/14 if you dont count tech as a vote

Speaking of whos idea is it to let a man wearing a cloak that has no way of looking like a pirate on the ship to i heard them downstairs

You can’t vote self In a ghost game

Just hope i have connections to the revant since if i do they are dead

Quit Talkin! It’s twilight

@Pug @Insanity @Shurian flip tech

Guys! I’ve been poisoned!

And I know my name assumes I’m always poisoned, but I’m actually poisoned here :frowning:


But but Squid… u sus

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no u

Yes im always sus

You can find out if I’m sus or now by healing me

(I wanted to go check if Pug was on and he is so u were legit poisoned)

At least my name is no longer a lie

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This is Xed right…