SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Maybe it’s because last time I ignored my own class card then claimed to use an ability I didn’t have

Things like that leave an impression

It’s the inquisitor passive.


What then.

You wouldn’t point out the WIFOM if Parfait was actually your bound target. You’d have let my comment slide if she were.

So Parfait is arguing why they could be scum
Why am I so good at this game

Or would he not would he would he not not not :thinking:

I just unvoted you, why get so defensive :thinking:

Non, go read Carnival

I was butler and claimed to have partied
(Back when butler didn’t have party)


I feel like you just posted this for the sake of raising your post count

How you know?

Ok exactly LOL scum spotted easiest game
Glad I didnt bind to you bucko

What does the crossed swords mean again?

Mister have you claimed?

once again you wouldn’t say that if you were bound to her
now that the wifom has been acknowledged, you’re trying to reverse psychology us into thinking you DID bind to her, but it wont work!

sounds like what I’d want you to think :thinking:


Nah yeah nah fam

Who wants to vote frost?

It means you’re cult

Thanks for claiming scum frost

It means the class is guarenteed.
