SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

What if they failed a convert though?

Boss get executed either way.



I think I am doing good so far though

Itā€™s actually better not to execute Boss110 today, let the First Mate handle it, at least delaying them to use cult leaderā€™s abilities.

i donā€™t want to be shark food

If you tell us the cult members that are left.

We may not feed you to the sharks.

If you guys say so

Iā€™ll most likely occupy Boss instead because my redirection is limited

Unless The First Mate will Punish someone and learns about about the worker using Interrogate Passive.

What do you think? Am I wrong by letting the first mate executing Boss after all? Then again you risk the cult leader actually to brainwash someone if First Mate didnā€™t get the correct one.

dama and tech /s

You mean I am not cult :frowning:

So you are Cooper?

he said he redirected boss

What if we jail boss tonight

Give him the plunder

He occupys boss for two nights

Thatā€™s better than I suggested. do that.

what if boss isnā€™t the CL though?

No, Iā€™m a Treasure Keeper, I can occupy every night and redirect for only three nights

Whatā€™s ur plunder?

I thought you know about first mateā€™s plunder passive will see through. But okay, should he not be the cult leader then heā€™s recently converted.

I can redirect someone to a player of my choice and get investigative results on what happened

Rip that is not strong at all