SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

You might be right, I need confirmation from Pug though

because it is now Xedding Over It with Pug Foddy.

Coming up with plunder abilities was sort of a hard task. Especially considering how unbalanced they are I nowadays think that it was half assed.

Pug, what kind of investigative results will I be able to find?

So plunder is bastard mechanic but in pirate theme, that make sense.

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He canā€™t answer that

A haiku, why not
Give me plunder, scallywags
Or face all my salt

Pretty sure

I may just be paranoid from host missing up

/Step up for :b:lunder

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Anyway, considering that you all are talking about the Treasure Keeperā€™s plunder ability.

Originally you were able to find what investigative results your target found.
But not gonna lie, I am confused with my wording.

Itā€™s now going to be that you use a random investigative ability.

We werenā€™t talking about that ability
We were talking about their other night ability.

Marl I donā€™t even know your claim

Sounds good /Vote Marl for plunder

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I think Pug meant feedback from that plunder ability, PoisonedSquid.

So itā€™s not the feedback you receive what kind of ability that this person uses from what as Treasure keeper find out who he occupies or redirects?

@Pug What are the details of plundering? Can I still talk vote and take actions in thread while plundering?

Can I be targetted by killers or investigators while plundering?

it is the player that you are redirecting

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But letā€™s assume Boss is RC turned CL then thereā€™s no reason not to trust Marluxion since everything checks out.

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Marl if whammerist is bound to you oh no

I think the safest thing to do is for @Margaret to end the plunder

You cannot be visited in this time.

and you cannot speak or vote for the day, the next and the day after.

Returning at night

though if the Plunder is cancelled.

The player will return immediately