SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

@Pug There were no mod errors in the morning announcement then? The Revenant is gone?

You edited it lol

oops. no

Revenant is still here

No proof

Put that shit in the message then mango

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done lol.

Just forgot that it has to be announced

Shall I vote again and find the next CL?

Thereā€™s only one cult maximum rn iā€™m pretty sure
we just gotta figure out who it is if anyone

and then we random lynch until wham dies or we lose


I want to say that Iā€™ll like to thank Rngeus.

@Whammerist how you doing?

Stealthy without logs :^)

Okay guys, I have something to say.

Host didnā€™t process my action and is refusing to give me compensation for that.

And no, itā€™s not occupation/mind warp/whatever.
He directly said he just forgot to process it.

And yes, it does change the situation a bit.

@Pug Were there any mod errors made last night?

Pretty sure he has to tell us if there was an error made last night :thinking:

What was your action?

I donā€™t think Iā€™m allowed to say anything about it anymore. And I donā€™t think host wants to reveals what it was either.

But he willl have to reveal that I got compensation for not processing my action after all.

Something tells me
Youā€™re lying and trying to come up with a believable excuse as scum

Converted, canā€™t link as youā€™re now the Cult Leader. A shame really
/Vote Eevee.

I made Frostwolf unable to vote today btw in case it wasnā€™t obvious