So they only let you back cause it was unfair for a alch to die when he wasn’t suppose to
That means cult is still around
Wait can Revenants soul mate be converted?
Plunders take 1.5 days lol
That is
Such an arbitrary number
you want me to go full on programming language for you?
if plunderdays == 1.5
Trace.WriteLine(“You wanted this, right?”);
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What if it doesn’t = 1.5 days
nothing because there is no else function.
so nothing is specified
Wham talked while i plundered
If he cheated I mad
If revenant killed Stealthy maybe he did it so they cant cult,and HE is in cult!
Cant find cult*
How would he know?
Why else would he kill a class that finds his enemies?
He doesn’t know the bounds class
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/Vote Firekitten
RNGesus has spoken FK.