SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

We shouldn’t send anyone to plunder

Plundering is a misplay since it gives Wham a chance to get the plunder

Ok so ill plunder u kek

Plunder me if you wanna meme it

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ahem. you can’t choose not to plunder.

I’d see no point that Whamm will pick me for soulmate the moment I suspect that, I will immediately suicide at night.

Yes but we can tell Celeste not to start an additional plunder.

makes Marl plunder

####### /s

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I’m going to write a long rant paragraph about the balance of this and what could be changed to very easily make this a good SFoL and yet simultaneously separate it from it being just a reskin of a normal FoL.

After I get home


Thx marl

I can see why the Spiritulist is not official


I’m also going to propose a rework for that before I head to bed.

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I’m reading the entire thing

but yeah many classes are getting reworked

Deck Hand
Sailor (too weak)

Buff Plunder Organizer because most of the plunder organizer wont know to cancel abilitie

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Delet revenant

you know what.

I’m opening Xed SFoL Suggestion thread now

because this game is heavily fucked and considering 23 is over already

I’m going to be fixing this before 25 happens

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Please check this thread out and suggest shit

Yes pls tell us who whamm connected to cuz either way we gonna win eventually

gotta stall this a bit :wink: