SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Well, he won’t be complaning if he isn’t writing at all.



Apologies for being late:

Day 6 will now Start

Two people have died:

Frostwolf was The Gunslinger

Frostwolf103 The Gunslinger

N1 Surprise Cannon
N2 Do Nothing
N3 Surprise Cannon

Celeste also died: She was The Entrepreneur

/ s

She was actually The Plunder Organiser

No logs were found

This deathnote was found on the body


Day 6 has now begun, please speak

Wait what was that?

A plunder is happening. Where we dropping?

We dropping this game, works?

Waaaaaaaaait a moment. Revenants is gone.

It’s a cult king left, lel.

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Or are you all cult and there was CL and I was right that executing First Mate is stupid… and I can side cult now?

No it’s just me I’m p sure bb
I’m still very much alive Pug’s just bad

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This is my public protest of Revenant
All your game are belong to us hehe ecks dee

Wait… Revenant can only make one attack at a time, right?

No I’ve got 5 KPN

Day 6
They don’t realise this game is still going
Whammerist will eventually win
I wonder how long it will take
Day 12 maybe?

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So… is it possible that we have a Cult member still alive? If that was possible, they would have had to have a convert done N1. I redirected Boss to myself which nullified conversion, so it can’t be on N2.

Or it’s an Alch yolobombing as usual -_- (Most likely this one tbh)

You got me, lel.

Tbh figured out it’s best to speed up the game, cause 1 more chance to kill the Revenant or easier win with him :’)

You created the Yoshi tax fraud note, didn’t you? (Eevee should have died N1 due to PKR using surprise cannons, but moderrors are friendly towards Neuts)

@Whammerist you are making this game dangerous to me ;(

They will want to lynch me soon ;(

Sorry, but Rev still alive <3

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If he bounded to you, then yeah, we would want to lynch you.