SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Let’s go with that

My fake claim this game is Scientist, yes

Yeah your plunder is pretty useful but scientist isnt that hard to fake

Alch or scientist…

Can I have a fake claim!

Sure, you’re the cult leader

Sure, spammer.

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Thx :wink:

Whoa NOW you are giving my class away?

Wow way to give my class away

If you won’t trust me enough then go with eevee.

But if you somehow make me plunder it will be worth

You will need to claim for it.

I kinda made myself obvious im important

Yes. So it won’t change much to just claim which important class you are.

Soft claiming let’s evils know to kill you

While the protectives go on someone else

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Tbh i didnt want to do it early but i made myself obvious

I can confirm Memesky due to my last night results.

They are pretty good plunder ability, enough good to worth my first mate one go second after them.

im fm

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Then you might as well just claim.

Comeon, you didn’t have to, lol.
