SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Autocorrect didn’t do its job

Funny how it did it when I was typing auto correct

Awwww Maxmmerist :heart: :love_hotel: invite me to the bridal shower pls

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P.S thats going into the best/worst forum quotes after this game ends

fuck Maximus yknow what im saying :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :sweat_drops: :eggplant:

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L0L Whamm is just helping my OTP ship

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I know who he’s bound to

The captain cheese

Can we just confirm Maxmmerist is a thing now

Why, just why .-.

Cuz OTP ships are always good things


Modkill Celeste and whammerist plz @Pug

I’m trying to decide if i want to make everyone hate me this game or not

P.S Im a semi-important Green Tentacle Monster so I doubt anything will happen to the Revenant bound to me


phew thanks god

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I’m confused on how this happened

We were voting tech one second and then the next I’m in a ship with the revenant


Probably not

Its cuz Max, tech is so confirmed evil that someone could coldsteel or bomb him

Puns = good

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I want to say.

I voted tech first leading everyone else to