SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Hehe Waluigi Thanos always stops the shitposting

Is there anyone who hasnā€™t vote tech

/unvote tech

Yes. Yes there is.

Wow I wonder if anyone hasnā€™t voted tech yet hmmm, he definitely wouldnā€™t be on trial if everyone did

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Its a waste of a day if we execute tech. Let an alch do it. Evils cant kill their own people. And we would instantly know if 3 deaths happen tonight that its a cult game

If tech is cult heā€™ll just be sacrificed btw

But ok

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A waste of a day!

Who will we lynch if not tech today?

/unvote Tech

Thats the point. One Revenant Kill, Tech, and then a cult kill. If its Unseen it would be only two or four kills

We lynch based off a mass claim :wink:

We can lynch all the unconfirmable classes :wink:

Plunder would have been nice.

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ahem. i changed it from unique to not unique

just decided to clear this up.

Gunslinger is NOT unique.

Celeste was baiting

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I think ive already said this Pug, it was a bait l0l now answer my dm question u n00b

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ah mā€™kay

Literally no fool would say that
Exe this


You canā€™t vote, Danny Phantom