SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Wait a minute…Jokingly? Does that mean he is a scientist or scum?

I thought it was a serious claim, but that could mean something else

But I am still suspicous on tech if you want me to get off him give me some evidence to prove a chance of another neutral.

Other then that possible eevee jokingly thing.

Alchemists doesn’t investigate that’s for sure, so he’s speaking some truth behind it?

But again he called me as a brotherhood so maybe each and everything he was saying is a joke and something else?

Also… /Take my execute off something tells me that tech was trying to stall it out till he gets executed incase he is fool but my suspicion still remains on him.

Tech is not a fool
Also, Eevee’s claim wasn’t a joke
but that doesn’t mean it’s not a lie

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But one thing for sure is that Eevee voted Memesky for the plunder ability, the lack of knowledge about brotherhood though…

Wait secret bastard?I never knew I was brotherhood.


It was

Polik is merc max is alch

Eevee lies again!

You know that was a joke


I told that myself so, yeah

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I’m still gonna exe Tech when we can, but I can keep on Eevee for tonight

I would go for someone else.

You can check on Eevee, right?

Totally. Not saying.

Basically you saying you are checking someone tells people NOT TO MURDER THEM.

Basically do whatever you feel is best and hope to get lucky

If he’s Alchemist, he can ss which he said he already did

Yes he would.

But he isn’t alch