SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist


Oh darn

The bond still does what it does.

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It is obviously the captain.

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@Pug is self voting legal?

Determines if it wins in a 1v1

With two BD/Others

How does revenant win again since it canā€™t kill itā€™s bond? Does the bond win with it?

Bond loses

If the bond is the last person the ghost wins.

Nothing says it canā€™t kill itā€™s bound target.



Well, technically youā€™re right

@Whammerist how u doing?

Heā€™s busy possessing someone

Itā€™s not possessing someone.

1.You are not making the target kill the person, instead YOU KILL THEM,using the infinite life force of the person

Question: There canā€™t be a Psycho King, right?

If revenant bound becomes king, he pretty much canā€™t lose anyway

Same difference

No king that is a psycho.

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Hey @Margaret how can you give anyone a trip to plunder? :thinking:

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This probably

Right now isnā€™t really the best time to use it, but thatā€™s just my opinion