SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist


because I always fucking speak in the middle of games

Okay scum team confirmed

Par (random person)

(that I am hosting)

is it just me or i feel like wham bound to me?? :thinking:

Wham would have to be suicidal to bind himself to you
no offense m8

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Boss what do you claim?




That’s not a class

MaximusPrime has been modkilled

He was an idiot with a shit taste in pets

/ s

stealthy or navigator?

:’( when will this neut hate stop

Guys who wants to ping par saying they are on trial with 5/7 vote to execute

you do this all the time so it’d have to be one of us


What if we Policy Lynch Maximus?

He’s confirmed bard.

I think