SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist


if you do that.

I will yell at Kyogre to flood your house

Mister alch.

I heard that the merc is contracted to a class card anti alch. Who had to murder alch to win.

What if I have a masterball though?

Also I will get even better Pokemon to protect me!


I can’t take these posts in the morning

Help D:

Does fish help

Here is some fish :fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish:

Resisting the urge to make a comment. Failed.


Can you actually vote the merc tho.

Why they are uncontested second neut claim


We want to know their contract

Yes, because anti-town neutrals would surely counterclaim them

They can tell us without being voted up because then we have a tedious trial and that takes time

Fine whatever
/vote Polik

I mean, why wouldn’t the fools and scorned counterclaim, duh!?

@PolikShadowbliss you are on trial with 6/7 votes to execute

Tell us your contract quick

They probably are Merc tbh

I didn’t intend for my vote to be sheeped.
I put it on just so polik would know i’m serious about wanting to know his contract

You can both unvote whenever :thinking:

I just follow
