SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist


/vote Marl

You do not claim 4th neutral here.

No, I’m claiming 5th neutral actually
I’m a mysticnary and i linked the 4th neutral claim last night!

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mysticnary is my name for a mystic who hides their whispers and claims to be everyones merc :thinking:

should i claim?

Patented Marl Massclaim?

Now I slept peacefully and the bard linked me which is fun but the bard in other hand is too busy playing the song so he didn’t respond.

Are we still on Polik or nah?


No, we’re on me!

@Margaret Hey you

Start a plunder pls

What I mean is the wagon, K?

Nothing happend to me last night.Anyways that night seemed a bit too peaceful the cult are up to something and the revenant probably is waiting for our attacks.

Or the revenant hit someone immune.

It sounds more to me that the revenant decide to defend his soulmate that night.

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The Revenant is bound to me or marl

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That could also be true for the revenant anyways I presume the cult have converted someone.

The question is, can the revenant seen visited by Observer?
(And at that point, Cult need to be temporary ally to help track down Revenant’s soulmate since it’s in their interest as well)

Well I mean 2 actions happen at once if I am right?

You can only use one action in each phrase.

So if the revenant does something the soul mates action is cancelled?