SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

I’m also paranoid sometimes but

Maybe just maybe you being paranoid means that you are scum who hasn’t converted

I honestly doubt that.
Frost is usually paranoid as town
Also usually gets misslynched

I can’t be scummy neutral since that slots are taken.

I figured out who the bard is, which I keep my lips sealed.

1.Frost normal :white_check_mark:

The hint is during the plunder period.

Softclaiming only makes evils know who to kill

While town don’t know who is who

But also, a slight scum tell is finding the difference between Frost being defensive and frost being stand-off ish. I struggle with that a bit myself

Converison is a headache

Let’s say this: If Boss does not flip as Random Cult turned Cult Leader, then it’s between Marluxion, Me, PoisonedSquid and NuclearBurrito.

Just something to consider.

Where did you get that list?

Maths, I thought you are smarter.

Didn’t Mean liar
Meant list

I made lists by putting the names in, which classes are guaranteed to spawn. and put lot of randoms.

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@eevee hi plz vote

So far, there are four kraken randoms and one random cult, which are the names I mentioned - technically that make Boss also as random kraken.

Hi crabby

ok my class is navigator
N1-follow tech-visit firelitten-no one visit tech
N2-telescope parfait-green kraken

Cough cough liar

I was jailed

Boss just tried to place me as cult that was converted :thinking:

that is my result so i don’t know what to say