SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Im just a plunder organizer, touch my plunder and I can assure you die to the revenant

Sending boss then ending the plunder after the first mate gets his plunder is the best option.

You don’t understand

Look at whammerist plunder

No U

Send me, bois.

Also Celeste, we share the same wincon
But your plunder ability sux!


We are at CODE RED

Small note - first mate is occupation, but not prevention.

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I’m not dying so Wham isn’t dying
Calm down

Code red here

I could save a player for two god damn nights Marl with my plunder + give them an ability

Yeah but
Mine is gud for memes

And im giving mine to an alch :thinking:

Also we dont want another game of Marl trying to townlead! We’ve had enough!

@Pug If I cancel ze plunder would i get my use back

If we give it to boss he can’t convert

Should I replace an inactive captain with @Sam17z

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

And this is why we’re not electing you

I am not voting, just give me moment to collect what I have gathered.

Besides I think where Marl is coming from.

If sam joins expect me to replace out


alright my fiance.

I’ll keep you here