SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Welcome to Siege on Xed SFoL

I hope you enjoy the stay on our pirate ship known as Xed.

Hosted by Pug

Co-hosted by the Durian herself and :b:nsanity



Days will be 4 IRL days long, or shorter if someone dies
Nights will be 2 IRL days long
Actions are done by DMing me through Discord
Bard will be able to talk to the dead through Quicktopic. Any linked players will also get a link to the Quicktopic so they can interact with Dead Chat and Bard as well.
All classes will be used, and will be used as they are found in my Class Cards Thread
When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it


To accuse someone say “!accuse [player]” or “!vote [player]”
When someone is on Trial they will be able to post a 1000 character defense on the post, during this time no-one should post, everyone will then vote Guilty or innocent by voting on the poll.
After the votes are revealed, the King has 24 hours to choose to allow or veto the vote, if the king does not respond the vote is decided by the other players.
Executions end the Day

After The Night

You will be told what happened to you


Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want


Plunders are a special occasion that happens every 2-3 days ingame unless one is forced to happen. In this time, all players will vote up one player to go plundering. This player will gain a special ability. A player can only plunder once in a game.


Mastermind/Cult Leader
Assassin/Random Cult
First Mate
Private Investigator/Stealthy
Green Kraken Investigative
Random Green Kraken
Random Green Kraken
Random Green Kraken
Random Green Kraken
Random Green Kraken
Random Green Kraken
Random Green Kraken
Random Green Kraken / Neutral Non-Killer
Neutral Killer
Neutral Non-Killer


  1. Marluxion - The Quarter Master
  2. IdiotPrime - The Alchemist
  3. PoisonedSquid - The Treasure Keeper
  4. NuclearBurrito - The Deck Hand
  5. Sam17z - The Devout Captain
  6. eevee - The Bard

PKR - Died Night 1 - The Gunslinger
Whammerist - Died Night 1 - The Spiritualist
techwolves - Executed Day 2 - The Cult Leader
Boss110 - Executed Day 3 - The Cult Leader
Parfait - Killed Night 3 - The Stealthy
Firekitten - Executed Day 4 - The Sailor
Strangle - Died Night 4 - The Scientist
PolikShadowbliss - Died Night 4 - The Mercenary
Memesky - Executed Day 5 - The First Mate
Frostwolf103 - Died Night 5 - The Gunslinger
Celeste_Ludenberg - Died Night 5 - The Plunder Organiser



Day 2 - A Moderror, a dead Gunslinger and a Spook
Night 2 - On Xed. Mithras cannot save you.
Day 3 - Xedding Over It with Pug Foddy
Night 3 - It’s Wult Season
Night 4 - Oh Great. Now There’s A Spare Boat
Day 5 - Technological Malfunction and Work is Tough
Day 6 - Everybody Hates Plunders


new class cards will be sent out.

be patient




Didn’t get a class card!


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then don’t be so impatient or you’ll be last.



/confirm and thanks!

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Arggghh! CheesyKnives is your captain mateys.

I am deeply sorry for this way of speaking

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Also I have ran out of edits for today so rip me.

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Day will be ending after confirmation stages.

Pug, can you add (confirmation stages) in your title?


this forum will not let me for ANOTHER 21 HOURS




what the fuck, DID I JUST EDIT A MESSAGE?



What needs edited?