SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Ur right

Fine, I’ll make a big mistake then.
I’m Sheriff.
It’s not in town interest for me to reveal my N1 result — it was NOT on Maximus

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indeed i am

We are only at 10/19 guys…

lmao but i’m pretty sure pug claimed sheriff

Rip max

Sheriffs pushing you

Sheriff is sort of the best Sheriff claim so I’ll stick with it for now

/vote Max

if he was so sure i was evil then why tf didn’t he check me? logic???




Max - 2 (Whamm, Htm)
Nuclear - 2 (Celeste, Ashe,)
Marl - 1 (max)
Twilight - 1 (Litten)
Celeste - 1 (Nuclear)

With 19 alive, Majority is 10

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good sheepie, not can you explain how i am scum using your own reasoning?

Any good player should be able to answer this lol

Any sheriff ccs btw?

We are bussing you shh


/Vote max


I voted max btw

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can’t bus a bd :roll_eyes:

when i flip bd priest should revive me instead of any of the trash bd voting me

pug claims sheriff i’m pretty sure