SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

That’s not why. He hasn’t had time to verify anything so the class would need to be auto confirmed. Paladin is the only thing that fits.

I’m guarding you tonight, healer on eevee, Ice ward on Pug

Pug res Hippo

memesky would be an okay lynch not gonna lie

I dont trust Marl being anywhere near me at night and I dont trust fire doing anything at night l0l

Or phys…

Ima use frenzy glhf

He would have decide fate exed if that was the case. Unless he white knighted me

/vote Memesky

Tbh… Plan was for me to Ice Ward Celeste tonight and they obviously picked it up, while spreading other protectives on investigatives.

Now it’s somehow… rip.

I think Memesky could’ve actually slipped honestly

Sam is still on trial

Phys is not auto confirmed.


Are you a support/social class?

Blame the sheeple

oh. I’ve already pardoned.

we need everyone to pardon

Up and exe memesky after this

I could name some other classes. Just wont because …

I know but it kinda makes sense

I’m coldsteeling tonight.

@Moleland does knight still cs when redirected?

Shit. Maid is confusing.

Just serviced.
Maxi. Is. A.

Is he?

Yes he is. Royal.