SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Just guard Whamm plz and thank you

Nevermund Mole its 1908

Well. You better hit something or someone with the knight CS.
Or else I’m pretty sure half the people will come crashing down on you.

But now, yes I agree. Guard Wham or Celeste. Its up to you.

Just saying this not that I want to be converted.

I love sage and enforcer

Not that I want to be converted

I may or may not cs or guard someone. Invoker reveal yourself at ur own peril!

Sam -
Hippo - butler (BD OFF)
Pug -
Livi -
Boss -
PoisonedSquid -
Htm - mystic (BD SOC)
Shuri -
Marl :crown:
Ashe - drunk
Tech -
Eevee - cw (BD SUP)
Max -
Celeste - prince
Memesky - princess
Litten - knight
Nuclear -
Frost - princess
Wham - sheriff


Hmm…there are still too many

Do not say who’re you’re guarding until tmr. We we may want town protectives on the big three.

Does this not explain?

Max is princess too no?


Class you are on trial with 5 votes to execute

Yes but he visited Sam who got jailed.

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@Shurian you are maid?

Ohh… 2000 posts to read…

Eh… can you please give me a sec?

Frost. PoisonedSquid is Hunter. You missed him.

I am Maid confirming Maxi as Royal Blood, as he is Princess.

You can claim or die?

Our sheriff checked you as unseen/cult

Claim first plz ;3

Can you service me?

Yeah. Checked PS and Celeste and they were compatible.

All the mess could have been prevented with ME. DANG I’m salty, still salty I didn’t wake up earlier

Wait Wut happened?

I already got Max as RB. Sorry, gotta wait for tmr