SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

I planned that.

Boss can follow twilight if he wants to,but maid will service me tomorrow

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Now the other princess know not to.

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Nuke lead us to victory

Like Princess. :woman_shrugging:

Ehh… this mass claims didn’t give us any useful information. Meme if you want to then i guess it’s alright.

If only there were neutrals :thinking:

Unfortunately true. However now we can make a detailed night plan.

If only we had more protectives

ewwww neuts

Meaning I should cs?


It woulda helped lower the liars lol

Tbh you need to live if ur rly knight

i would suggest to CS one of the princesses claims. Most likely one of them is scum.

Enforcer is pretty scary y’know.

The cult alt for knight is really bad.

I’m rioting to fix that

Anyone wanna sign up?

@NuclearBurrito @Memesky @Pug

Dont try to cs me,im getting serviced tomorrow

Just make an Acolyte.

TBH I’d CS a CW claim.

coldsteel me lol

Won’t you be jailed for protection?