SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

I mean, I don’t have a slightest doubt that FK is really a knight.

I’m more scared of Tech being scum.

Join the fucking club
That’s why tech is getting the lowest priority target to guard (FK)
And he should be checked tonight by either pally or sheriff

Did the Pally/Sheriff share their n1 results btw?

They didn’t

  • Firekitten Guards and gets lynched
  • Firekitten Guards and don’t get lynched

0 voters

@Htm Conduit Whammerist and Sam tonight. Twilight doesn’t need to speak to the prince.

Let Sam and Whammer share their reads and night plans together.

Marl, I think we really need Kitten to guard here.

We lack protectives as hell.

I need it. REEEEEEE

But honestly probably either Sheriff or Pally is dead tonight.

I like using the scorched earth strat tho
Also it makes scum panic thinking he’s going to CS

Trust me - Knight is super low priority convert with a hunter and priest outed
If they have to freak out a bit over kitten tonight it helps us


I don’t like dying believe it or not

Panic and attack unguarded sheriff/paladin?

I can destroy you and the prince

Night plans? What is it?

We have guards for all 4 Sheriff Prince Pally and Priest

And our only physician? :^)

We dont protect protectives, they protect us

I protect myself!

A knight guarding a phys is just dumb
especially considering they can still be converted

Protectives aren’t meant to be infinite protection honestly
they’re just meant to hold the line until we can find and hang scum using our 4 important boios