SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Ima guard mysel.

Don’t ask how

Sure, just ask so I can shock you tonight :^)

Wait can you do that!

I’m gonna protect ya! After all i’m your Squire.

At least i wish i could.


Ima coldsteel the prince btw.

Totally not code for Frenzy 2 4 1

I hope @Boss110 shows up soon

Inb4 im a enforcer

You are begging for us to decide fate

I could decide fate execute if the town wanted me to to save time :thinking:

i dont really need it as good king

What if the scum makes a mistake and puts up there mastermind?

Boss has patchy activity - 'tis all

Also, trial default starts when I’m asleep (4am) so…

Kitten, guard Sheriff/Paladin.
I will Ice Pug
Livi heals Prince

Marl… just cover me/Sheriff/Paladin/self/Kitten.
Yes, I excluded the Tech from the night plans for now.

@Marluxion how bout this?

What if you die?

Alright everyone
Before I end the day i have something to say

I’m guarding the pally!

Oh joy!

You’re Evil King right?

This is the moment you decide fate pardon correct!