SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

@Margaret Are you healed from your bleeding?

Welcome back toxic hippo

Welcome back, have you looked at the near 5000 posts?

He didn’t I don’t think. I don’t think anyone would have had that information besides the MM though.

I got redirected because no one was barriering or warding me, and probably should’ve expected it when Shuri was an Invoker

Wait BOTH claimed princess? You’re being confusing. It would be suspicious had you not been our only physician claim

Well fuck

Who did you get redirected to?

Btw I failed to block eevee N1

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I’ll tell you who I’m missing claims from in a sec

Well Nuke said Frost claimed Princess, and I thought Meme claimed Princess too, although Meme hasn’t been talking much

I don’t know, it doesn’t say who I got redirected to

That is correct. I have a full claim list if you need it.

Frost and twil1ght are the only claims I am missing

Please do

Twilight claimed Squire

One of the CW claims must be a Ritualist, Sage, or just flat out lied

I will flirt someone suspicious tonight to make sure they are not cl

