SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Errr whats this madness

Only if you kill someone/put it in your logs

You messed up.

Everyone is dead. The sky is falling. Rawr

? What

I have an idea :smiley:

I’m leaving, explain this madness to me when I get home

I’m not mad at you Celery, I’m just disappointed :frog:

Errr bye Max?

Uhm lemme read

And I’m going to bed. Night guys.

/vote Maximus

You executed Ashe in jail last night?

Pally check?

Isn’t Maximus confirmed royal or is he converted??

How did ashe die btw


Sam is the prince
Celeste is Paladin again
2 billion iq

Vote count

Frost - 3 (Max, Marl :crown:)
Max - 1 (Celeste)

Maid was invoker.

Nah shurian was scum so max must be scum too. Shurian was invoker so cant be converted maid.