SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Alright then, new idea, have both Eevee and Tech prove themselves by barriering Livi so that she can heal Celeste

throws a master ball at fluffy water kitten


Everything can wait

Fire=Not executed

how does that confirm both lol

worst idea i’ve ever heard

Assassin is not a standard FoL class my dood

i’m gonna be cimpletely honest, i hope the bleeding targets were the n1 convert at least

Tech can at least confirm himself, we know Fire is getting jailed

Pug is conversion Immune (paladin day ability)
Tech barriers htm
Fire guards me
Prince you know what to do
Sheriff does sheriff things
Paladin does paladin things

I like this plan’

It doesn’t involve me dying!

O no im still executing

Celeste you know who to jail

It could involve you getting into a jail cell

Can’t sorry :man_shrugging:

Purfect plan!

It could not for that would also be neat

@moleland mind reducing assassin and Cl bleed down to 2-3 each?


Did you not read the OP? :thinking:

No y