SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

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Miscounted when marl would press enter


Twilight was soc/sup anyways

No, Fire is getting jailed. Fire is the Mastermind.
I will tolerate no dissent on this

My plan doesn’t involve you dying either bucko

@Margaret You are jailing FIREKITTEN.
He is confirmed scum.

You’re lying. You had no reason not to CS last night. The only logical reason you wouldn’t is because you COULDN’T.

he only gets 2 1000 character messages
meaning at most you have to skip 2 messages

I’m confirmed scum.

Hey mister marl.

Why would I vote my mastermind and assassin as unseen :wink:

If was speaking in hypotheticals. If he turns out to be starting scum it means you can’t be CW

No Marl, FK is not getting jailed.


I don’t wanna go to jail!

Go watch “The Magic School Bus” and come back


Firekitten is the starting Assassin. You are unable to read FK, so don’t try.

I’ll pop the tires

Rip marl

You are wrong

It wouldn’t be the first time
But you lied
You said you would CS.

I still can’t be starting scum, cause there is no occ immune scum.
I would have to be converted butler/drunk, wich actualy makes it weird for me to prevent anyone n1.
Eeee… confusing.

Occam’s razor is easy here. I was barriered n1. The end.

btw your defense was just like this in FMU as well until you admitted to being scum after getting caught

I didn’t lie

I said I would guard the pally

Starting Invoker is possible
Like I said
It was PURELY hypothetical.
Something to keep in mind on the off chance of Techwolves flipping cult leader

My defence was the exact same?

I usually give up when I am caught

But I am not caught and you are wrong I never lied. I said I would guard the pally

You’re like 95% starting town 5% starting scum rn eevee
so not quite lock town but about as close as you can get