SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Don’t jail me

Let me coldsteel livicus!

It’s not about that.
If you have mechanicly confirmed scum, you go for them first. Not for someone who is possible to be one, but nothing else.

Who is the starting Assassin then?

That’s why we’re hanging Frostwolf

I don’t know

But how would I BE PREVENTED FROM WHAMMERIST. The logical explanation is that hippo was killed by the assassin.

We need to jail SPECIFICALLY the starting Assassin (aka new MM) tonight
Otherwise Unseen will rebuild

Livicus is next confirmed scum

Then why don’t you want Livi jailed?

Or let me run my blade thorough the heart of livicus

Livi got debauched by Nuclear?

Livi confirmed evil

Unless you think it’s Nuke + Livi scumteam
it’s possible

Wait what? Someone got a red check on Livicus?

Wait am I coldsteeling nuke



Redirected when iceward

But we know Livi is cult. Eliminating them means cult can’t rebuild.

Oh, you are working on assumption Frost dies now so MM will be alone. I see.

Yes. If we jail SPECIFICALLY the starting Assassin, Unseen is done and dusted

Am I murdering nuke :dagger:

Someone Ice warded Nuclear?

Eevee did it to livi