SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Sorry, I meant Ice ward.

Ok who wards pug this whole plan on who i go on confused me

Can people request different deathnotes for different things?

If so we can make sure the hunter isn’t the Cl

@eevee I was thinking “Ice Barrier” as in the hearthstone card / WoW spell

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@Marluxion I have no ice wards left. Duh.

yeah, but Cult gets a replenishing leader.

… ill ward pug then

mastermind can just be executed.

You ward the sheriff

@techwolves Ice ward Pally
@eevee barrier someone you think is a good conversion target (use wifom at your discretion)
I’ll guard sheriff

Tech Ice wards sam



I want to crack down on this Cultist problem and kill the new mastermind tomorrow.

Better night plan, Ee :b: ?

that’s obvious

Claim list again so i can update my notepad

I can agree to that one tbh.

Are we allowed to post our DEATHNOTE here or no…

Barriering the pally is actually god tier levels of awful
That’s like barriering the king