SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Yet his result is also mechanic, he also made scumslips such as that I am one of the people I did not claim which is before he realised I wasn’t jailed.

Also what’s up with Livicus?

Oh and I am sorry about the edit, I didn’t realize I was quoting NuclearBurrito on post he did not make because I was working on the claim list, so that’s two rules broken.


Oh shoot im safeo

So wait, you decide to execute Ashe based on my suspicions?

Because when night 2 came, I was actually expecting to be imprisoned but when I got no notification I was - I initially thought you got imprisoned yourself done by Invoker.

Lol thats impossible

It’s not, FoL2 is proof of that.

Bewilder (Day) - Target player uses a day ability on themselves. - 1 use

That’s the ability I am talking about.

“Invoking strange emotions”

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But yes…

She killed Ashe, yes.

Also Frost - Nothing you can say here will get you pardoned
Unless you were checked by our sheriff last night, you’re toasted

He wasn’t

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HTM is supposed to link you and Sam tonight
You’re both unconvertible town so sharing your results could be good for us

Well did Whamm checked me now?

By sharing, I mean WITH EACH OTHER. Not with the entire class

Also it’s pretty nonsense that you are still convinced that I am scum mechanically because the maid doesn’t exist in the first place.

He just said he didn’t

What is Sam
Pally boy?

Yeah. He’s the pallydan