SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

You do realize there are SEVENTEEN people alive in this game right

Still drop like flies.

Its D3
and we hung scum d2

We had a mastermind a cult dead

We are doing great

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I actually beg the differ. 3 die by poison tonight, chances are two to three will get poisoned again thus die in two nights - then you have Assassin that may have 2-in-1 and two converts off the bat again.

That’s 12 at worst case scenario, you need my vote.

Maximus dies to FK if you flip princess
They still aren’t close

If you don’t share my view, that’s because you intend to let the BD lose.


Found the assassin who thinks he’s using poison still

Or It’s because i’m 100% positive you’re pulling this all out of your ass

Stand correct, bleeding

Tbh Frost might be BD, lul



FK won’t able to kill Maximus.

Max better be occupied btw

If he is Maximus dies
I don’t want to take frost off the stand though - Sheriff confirmed he hasn’t checked frost
He hasn’t said anything about Max
We might find reason to pardon Max and we wont be able to get frost back up

So jail Livi, CS Max?

Happy Hour is a thing

He better.

No, leave both out. CS Max is Frost flips town, also occupy max
Meanwhile if Frost flips unseen we occupy and cs livi

Prince jails outside of this and same with sheriff/pally checks

You still forgot that FK won’t able to kill Max like that, Happy hour or not