SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

I killed liv btw

Who likes my DEATHNOTE?

Can I get some heals! Still bleeding

Give me my night results Mr Mole

Check summary

Your avatar monkaSHAKE

Oh lul

Who was jailed last night?

I wasn’t

Liv got a nice DEATHNOTE tho

So overall If MM didn’t converted anyone.
There is like 1 Unseen And 1/2 Cult. I’m not counting possible EK.

No one says how good of a job I did murdering someone


Hunter dn :ok_hand:

Is tech cult?

Since Livi was cult?

Who did you check? :thinking:

Maximus is not cult

Probably not? Unless converted

Also aren’t we supposed to have at least 1 physician every game

No shit dipshit

I’ve been confirmed town this entire game(well, from last day at least) you fuck

I mean so tech could be converted phys?

@Whammerist get something useful thanks

There’s is no physician

Which I kinda think is bad actually cause the amount of bleeds that can happen