SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Goddamit alts.

If he can’t use telepathy he’s scum

Since he linked Sam - If he can’t telepathy right now it means he’s an assassin now. Not the cult convert.

Check the cards apostle has a day ability and some sort of passive

And he can get mindbend if he was mystic or noble I think

Cult Mystic CANNOT take Link Minds
They must instead take it’s alt

Use telepathy or we hang you

I thought it could take either, but not both :thinking:

You must take it’s alt instead

You can still take other abilities though like telepathy

Well damn, Cult has been able to take either this game Lel


Wait so what even happened this game
How’d Celeste die?


Moleland I think you should read this. It’s for new players who don’t understand how Cult points / alts work

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Lel, It doesn’t matter much tbh

You already confirmed Htm is Cult btw

Don’t angle shoot the host.

/vote HTM

Mystic is unique right so only Htm would be able to do this


Tech - 4 (Litten, Meme, Hippo, Max)
Htm - 5 (Nuclear, Whamm, Sam, Marl :crown:)

With 12 alive, Majority is 7

No he isn’t

Cult has been able to take normal or cult alt abilities. If you think Htm is one of them - that’s on you.