SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win


@Moleland flip him. Also I want the people to know that burrito did not execute nor vote meme but burrito was on at the time

That’s why I think they are scum buds

Angle scooter


what’s angleshooting anyways?

I just assume it’s to not take pics of host messages

Sorry for being a noob

Trying to use info outside of the thread to catch scum
Such as activity time lel

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taking pictures of host messages is just straight up cheating not angleshooting

Oh okay thanks for the info

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Quoting your classcard is allowed tbh

Your joking rite…

No it’s perfectly allowed in multiball

Just not other games

Quoting your class card is NOT allowed
anywho let’s cut the twil1ght posting until @Moleland flips Memestratosphere

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Look Htm even Marl said it. Only in multiball it is allowed not other game modes

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Don’t you have a mix tape to write or something :thinking:

Wrong quoting is against the rules I think…

At 12:00 in the morning I will pass. I probs will do it tommorow

Not in multiball

Sam is yanking your chain, you can’t quote your class card in any game

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Why did Marl become promoted to mod?