SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

He is now a buzz kill. Literally the snitch at the party.

Only if I took advantage in the first few days when Marl was not mod i could have some fun.

I would be saying this regardless of me being a mod or not
Trust me - if you bait HTM into getting modkilled mole will probably modkill you as well lmao

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I’m all for baiting people into saying something dumb but don’t mislead people into getting killed by the mod :^)

Btw I’m not that dumb…

Nah scum is going to attack me tonight anyways a strong pally is a threat to everyone. Pug is made conversion immune btw


I’ll be sure to guard you tonight, lest there be blood spilled

Guard wham

Wham is more important than I

FK should protect sheriff/pally

Okay if FK protects Sam and Marl protects Wham we should have both investigative protected

Well Sheriff/Pally protected not investigatives

sorry if the scum attacks you, but i gotta keep whammerost alive
rip you

hey i can’t wait to get converted/die to bleed/somehow win as bd with the rest of you

why would you say this for any reason except trying to get towncred as scum

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cause i can and it’s true

anyway i’m probably dying tonight so yeah it doesn’t matter

thanks for that convert immunity.

May you give it to someone else today?

well like give someone else convert immunity too?

also is my immunity permanent?

if so, someone else should get perma immunity too

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