SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

I’m gonna take back my crown soon enough, my dear.

btw. possibility that Maximus is CL?

actually no htm is CL

Maximus is probably convert

@Firelitten coldsteel someone who you think is CL

like htm?

HTM is like 99% Cult. Converted one can be anyone honestly expect those who are conversion immune.

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Expect Prince to be Cult

I know that Marl is probably DK but it’s just me. :man_shrugging:

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No, it’s not just you.

It’s all of us

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Marl really just was bent on Unseen rather than Cult.

Unseen just needs to remove MM then they’re dead

Cult keeps swapping leaders so you have to take them all out

also suggestion.

Don’t execute Htm until we find the convert or he becomes occupy immune

HTM is basically dead. Fire is killing him while I or Hippo is occupying HTM.


did you become Drunk?

Isn’t that obvious? :thinking:

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Ik. we should also force maximus to step up for king too

Am I killing htm?

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Is CL can have royal blood in FoL? Asking for curiosity.

Yes or we hang you tomorrow.


I don’t wanna be hung

tbh I think only if they chose the cult alt