SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

There was a cult leader corpse last night my dude
Go read the devout king card

If I were I’d have already won

Who are your top 3 scum right now? I want reads

He does that with another Devout King.

Actualy even if it works like that you still wouldn’t because it would out you as Devout King earlier than needed.

Trial Votecount

Execute - 2 (Marl, Twilight)

With 8 voters, 5 votes are needed

i just checked the devout king card
i was always under the impression ever since my hydra game that it was a cult leader corpse not a devout king corpse

Can you please update the graveyard?

wow i’m dumb as fuck


That’s what I thought Devout King.

@NuclearBurrito May I have your full logs and a reads list please?

Also you do realize that there are less than 3 non-confirmed scum right?

If I was actually a devout king why the fuck would i say that
also why would i make a mistake like that if i was looking at my class card every night

For LAMIST purposes

It’s not even LAMIST
It was just me being a fucking idiot

And then using it for town credit

Yes. We should only have 1 unseen and 2 cult left I’m pretty sure

The day I try to abuse idiocy and ignorance for towncred as scum is the day i should retire from FM

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1 cult is mechanically confirmed and you are mechanically confirmed. So that leaves only 2 scum.

You’re delaying giving your full logs and a reads list
Cut it out.