SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Tbh I have just been getting this read

what a hypocrite

Let me remind you that CL and Assassin are not occur immune, I hope you realize that

  1. Its a public service to kill fire

My logic @MaximusPrime + you are squirming right now as scum

Cool thats why Kings have debt

Anyway, What do you claim, Fire?

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Fire claimed knight

I claimed already

And I soft claimed D1

I’m actualy reading them hunter as well tbh.
Tho with confirmed CW ice warding me, we can just send physician to heal them and knight on whoever they want.

He claims Knight

I see, can we see your logs?

that’s exactly what you said in infiltrators you idiot

Mystic knows what I did

I visited whammerist

I was prevented

Claims to have protected Wham instead of prince…

Gtg, brb in a few hours

Didn’t we win in infiltrators though?

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I can care less

I’m not guarding someone who faked prince before

i fucking hate sam rn. it’s so annoying that he’s just shepeing me yet claiming that he isn’t. ugh ez scum

Guard me!