SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

I’m not caught up. I’ll tell you once I’ve read what I missed.

A summary would help.

Ok you better get to reading then hear you in a bit

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He’s prince

She’s prince

We all r prince

Someone tried to bleed me. Hmmm…

Does it make Poisoned even more hunter now?
I mean, both assassin and CL can bleed buuuuut… still.


? My dood

Pls heal eevee

Explain this thought Htm?

So what will happen to you then I mean you are good right?

I would say poisoned is still scum

What happen to what

Unseen and Cult I would not mind you bleeding 1 more person each I will share my reasons after.

It just doesn’t add up

Why would kitten even protect Wham who accuses someone and doesn’t add any evidence

And Whamm is accusing someone without bringing up evidence

Eevee needs a heal, I can ice ward myself ig

I mean you are confirmed you should have a protective on you.

I’m litten

Nice to meat u

I need to be protected tonight tbh

quit pkring
none of these plays
are good
go to sleep


