SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Nothing is anti-bd

Other than your name

That’s wrong is so meny ways

I know :wink:

I wish @Twil1ight would come and help me out though

Except acting scum…

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And a bunch more things tbh

And I think Celeste is acting like scum. Spacificaly I think they’re CW turned Sage

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CW turned ritualist is possible but I don’t see why they would take PoF in that situation. So sage is more likely

Bad scum reading but ok

Starting ritualist is also possible however it doesn’t make much sense for reasons already stated.

@Marluxion Get in here and resolve Nuclear’s thoughts

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Actualy wait. A converted ritualist would always take PoF. So Ritualist and Sage are equally likely.

Your asking the king you thought as evil!


At least Marl can read me LOL

That’s a rip Celeste moment

If we are not voting king then we should try to get more claims or look at sus claims

Btw I think I missed something. Why was Max sus?

Whamm never told us

Didn’t hippo read him too? So it isn’t just a scum push.