SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

PKR isn’t even in the game, yet what is this level of salt I’m getting from all of you?

We should focus our efforts on one target, not split it over a ton of people and cause chaos

Dont worry Pug, we all have those moments

nearly no one backreads cause we’re lazy/forget to lol

the fact that this single occasion you remembered to, is kinda sus. but the most sus part is that you said that in the middle, after we asked you for reason repeatedly. and this is your only reason TODAY, you said you had a ton that “confirmed” me as scum YESTERDAY. clearly you have none, and are most likely the non CL cult or the assassin(i’m guessing assassin)

I voted you first. Thats not OMGUS

No I didn’t. You are not prince.

Actualy just you.

About Nuclear

we probably either have a paranoid BD.

or a Unseen/Cult trying to lead suspicion off themself

Oh rn my salt is all in Nuclear’s face & Fire cuz they keep triggering me

all of you are TvTing unvote
Celeste vs Nuclear is TvT 8373% of the time
wait for me to get home
thank you

/vote Orange

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I want to see a claim even if it’s not a class claim


Orange isn’t even in the game xD


a dead confirmed town agrees with you because he thought you had info(also he can’t read me for the life of him). care to share that info with us? or are you going to get lynched/sacrificed later so it frees up a convert slot?

@Livicus Yes or No. You will be the decider of Nuclear’s remaining life. Life, or death.

But if we’re geting this right, Wham accused Maximus, Litten + htm accused Sam, Pug accused Marl, and Celeste and Nuke are accusing each other?

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who are we voting atm?

you’re so dull
let me eat my food with my family before I blow you back to the next fuckin calender year buddy

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whammerist, be quiet. none of us are listening to you cause you clearly have no info

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And I don’t have enough info for that yet, we need concrete claims and checks

/vote Nuke

You are not claiming

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whammerist, if you actually want town cred, then claim.

aside from the dead confirmed Town that agreed with me
Funny argument there