SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

No, if I’m bleeding, I want phys on me. Bind soul and knight guard can go on Paladin/Sheriff/Other useful classes.

Don’t spend all resources on me. It’s bad idea.

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Ok cool.


I want to run into a merc rebound :wink:

good job, you let someone else explain your push. he was reading me based off of reactions, you claimed to have SOLID INFO and reacted like you actually did and not like it was a reaction test. stop avoiding my question, claim your class and your n1 results, or no one will ever listen to you this game…

i’m merc and twil1ght is my contract btw

Wait for him to finish dinner

he’s talking, so i’m assuming he’s finished

you have zero town motivation
Where did this fake authority come from because Town Maximus didn’t say that lol

I’m not finished but you’re actually frustrating enough that I’ve stayed on

Vote twilight

I checked him he came up as neutral

Window peek op

Didn’t you claim knight.

i’m sad

imo you’re the frustrating one cause i’m actually the god damn princess :frowning:

also actually stop avoiding my question please, and claim a class


starta thinking of a new theory

FK is memeing obviously

no neutrals in game

Fakeclaiming Observer
Peeked you Unseen N1 bb

@Twil1ight you are on trial! You have 3 votes to execute claim fast!

I peeked him as neutral :thinking:

Firekitten. What did I say about memeing and how it distracts people from the real discussion and also makes you lose credibility.


if neutrals were possible i’d totally guess you as fool/scorned