SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

@Sam17z if im offline, u have my permission

Pug immunity me you will not regret it

Back away from the Maid!
/vote Sam

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I’d rather you claim

/vote Pug

Fight me

I’d rather bind wham the sheriff

/vote Pug


Max - 3 (Whamm, Nuclear, htm)
Nuclear - 1 (Ashe,)
Twilight - 1 (Litten)
Sam - 3 (Max, Pug, Poison)
Pug - 2 (Sam, Celeste)

With 19 alive, Majority is 10

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Fight me Pug

you know you’re killing an important BD if you do this

But doesnt celeste know that and still says otherwise? Think puggo!

Scum!Sam for sure

Pug before u do more stupid stuff. Calm down and think

/vote sam

I can tell when hes scum!

push on sam everybody.

/unvote this vote is illogical pug use your brain thoug

Okay htm u dying tonight. U spam more than fire this game

/vote Sam
yeah lol tired of your shit
scum!maximus at least realizes he needs to stay bearable to me until he can kill me now

Not the right time for it yet sam

@Firelitten has more than 500 posts lul