SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Clearly a reason behind it. So just trust the confirmed CW

good job pointing out the obvious

celeste and sam are memeing and hindering the bd for some reason

Next person to post will actually die tonight

Im tired of yalls sht

Then why would you have a maid check someone that claims they don’t have royal blood?

You know what.
Listen to me when I say this.
Let’s service Celeste, lol.


you gonna die 2nite


@Marluxion Come in and explain Day 1 to these peeps


You just posted so you are dying with your logic rite?

but it’s Day 2 lol

Im alrdy dead

Celeste isn’t confirmed. I’m like 70% sure that they’re converted and 30% sure they are VI. Either way not a very good person to listen to.

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Lets see if Marl sees the magic trick do you Marl?


If only Shurian would come on now

@NuclearBurrito @Pug
We want to Service Celeste.
This will be fun, trust me.

Marl ill be severely disappointed in u, if u dont see somethin