SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

what fucking play, how is this town motivated in the slightest if celeste is being serious

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you’re forgetting that I still don’t trust you because you’re you

I mean if you got the trick now (in your mind) find out what I am?

Celeste is confirmed to at least be starting CW, Maid confirms that we are compatible

you know what i’m just going to go play a game while you argue about who shurian should service in the next 500 posts.

i’m sick of this shitposting, this is way too much

The Magical Illusion. Isnt CW a magician after all?

Sure… waste an ability

If Rowlet/Meme turns out to be a MM or something like that tho then don’t blame me

Please explain how anyone can do that

Though I’m not unvoting Sam

I’m just in awe of the Jedi mindtricks occuring at the moment more than anything

yes, i’m totally the mm who would out themselves for no reason. yes what a smart move. smh htm you make shittier plays than firekitten and can’t read ANYONE for shit so stfu

Hey I’m just saying!

Did Marl crack the puzzle next time on Sfol 23: Triple Threat!

Can we tone down the salt guys plz. K thx, by

Not confirmed CW. Sage and Ritualist both have that ability.

Honestly - Revive Hippo, unless we mislynch today. I don’t want to have to be paranoid of you getting converted.

one of these days this bait’ll work :thinking:
heck even lymphoma’s day chat question worked once

Maximus is a fine vote for today honestly

I still think FK is pretty scummy though.

aaand finally caught up

no. where were you when whammerist was salty tho lol

@Boss110 Claim now, we have half of the claims alrdy

someone photoshop a rowlett face onto an m&m inside a salt cave this instant or I’m calling the police

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U noob u no catch @Marluxion

To the gulags for you!

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200+ messages what?